sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Justin is already the 4th most watched video on youtube

With nearly 140 million hits "Baby" of our dear Justin becomes the 4th most watched video in youtube history.
This seen that child prodigies are those who succeed on youtube and Justin is a proof.
Let us help you become the most watched video. Here the video to play it again and again in January:
www.youtube.com/kidrauhl JUSTIN BIEBER CHANNEL!

Justin will not appear in the "trending topics" on Twitter

Justin has been lasting for the last few months one of the most popular and discussed social network, not down from the podium of honor and it was full of fans in your account daily.
But "twitter" has made several changes to the application does not appear the most discussed topics but the latest news. This will cause the name "Justin Bieber" does not appear there because it is not recent news. But this does not mean that Justin is still not popular in the network will remain a matter of simply the best but not on this place because it is a topic too old. This will leave us fans in a bad place, for all this support that we give will not reflected.
From the website does not seem very correct position of the social network and that news stories need not be recent to be more popular than Justin, we think this should change.
Which one do you think? leave your comment.

Justin at the movies

The news website "Just Jared", one of many news sites are looking for a place among the many celebrities to support Justin as well, since you are on a pedastal to be all sales to be sweeping the latest twitter ... Site has been imagining the 15 films that Justin might appear, calling them "biebermovies" because they say our idol is taking over everything and certainly the film soon as well.

Here the images:

Picture on the video shoot of Somebody to love

Justin has been with Usher on the set of his next video and east through the twitter account posted a picture with him on the set of filming the video. Are not you curious about the surprise at the thought that says that we have prepared?

Kim kardashian did it again

The celebrity hysteria breaks out again the fans with images recorded on the presentation made with her sisters Khloe and Kourtney in a fashion store called Kitson Los Angeles where he taught a white shirt with blue letters on the reading "Mrs. Bieber" Mrs. Bieber in Spanish.
It will be only a matter of time for the fans unleash another sea of threats to the famous.

Justin said that his mother took the phone and computer at night

Justin appeared two days ago in Oprah Winfrey's show, gave interesting details of his private life that gave details of-factly as he is.
Oprah asked if he ever used the excuse of "I'm Justin Bieber" to get away with it and he replied that if he did his mother give him a blow directly, she notes her mother off the phone and computer when you do something evil as a punishment and has a specific time to turn it off, 10.30 pm.
According to his mother has not changed its way of being with him just because you're a celebrity, so it still has the same deal with her as they had last year before being recognized.
In addition also included in the interview that has only one day a week to be a "normal kid" since his life was not allowed to do what others do

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Rumors of justin having dinner with KIM KARDASHIAN little sister

According to the website Gather.com, Kim Kardashian was able to organize his sister Kendall a dinner for 14 years who knew the singer after Correspondents Association dinner in the White House. Rumors say that Kim got in touch with Justin Scooter manager to schedule an appointment.
After dinner say they played twister in the home of Kendal. After that a friend of the Kardashian family told OK magazine, Quesegún he believed had evidence of love between them.

Justin made fans cry on THE OPRAH SHOW

Justin hace llorar en el show de Oprah
Tras la actuación en el programa de Oprah Winfrey, Justin logró sacar las lágrimas a gran parte del público femenino, que de la emoción rompieron a llorar.
Justin que fue acompañado con su manager Scooter Braun y su madre Pattie Mallette demostró sus habilidades con los tambores.
Logró además impresionar al público y hacer que se levantasen y gritasen admirando su show.

¿Y tú llorarías su estuvieras en un concierto de Justin?

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, A new musical blockbuster?

How would sound together Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus? One of the most anticipated musical duos in the music scene is closer to becoming reality. What will happen?

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber shared tablecloth a few days ago a popular restaurant in Hollywood. Since then, rumors of future collaboration between the two artists do not stop growing by the network.

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber and agreed some months ago at the White House, and that was when it began talking about the two singers would make a good musical duo, that would certainly be one of the bombings of the year. Now, these rumors back to haunt Bieber and Cyrus. They neither confirm nor deny, as you can see in this video, which includes dinner and Miley Cyrus Justin Bieber.

Justin caused trouble in an amusement park

Justin went to an amusement park of Six Flags to have a good fun day.
He does not possess enough time to be there and more fans queuing with uncontrolled,
moved ahead of places to ride and says this led to unrest among the fans.
This has created a lot of opinions about the action agree to the singer,
as they say ruined the day people estaba.Por other hand there are some who defend the view
Justin to slip to control the fans.
From here we support Justin and repeat to make further progress as you said it could not aver enjoyed a quiet day.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Who enforces the rules to Justin?-¿Quién le impone las normas a Justin?

According to sources close to the artist, said that his character is changing and seems to become more rebellious.
We all know that at the age of Justin disorders all have our temperament and they claim
Justin is developing these changes.
Sometimes we see the close relationship it has with his bodyguard Sherry Gaba.
According to a psychotherapist who specializes in cases of child stars, says that "parents should never receive orders from their children as this can lead to some psychological disorders or worse destructive behavior."
This gives rise to specialist children very young are driven by their parents to the best path and
the fact of being famous makes no difference.
Our idea from the web is totally different to that of the specialist because we can all see that Justin is a transparent person and has no aggressive behavior, as evidenced by no more than note that he loves his mother and she accompanies all sides to guide their decisions and not be unchecked at any time, although sometimes it seems that Justin is a completely normal person can have their strengths and weaknesses as any human being.

---In spanish--En español--

Según fuentes cercanas al artista, se dice que su carácter está cambiando y parece volverse algo más rebelde.
Todos sabemos que a la edad de Justin todos tenemos transtornos con nuestro temperamento y según afirman
Justin está desarrollando dichos cambios.
En ocasiones podemos observar la estrecha relación que posee con su guardaespaldas Sherry Gaba.
Según un psicoterapeuta especializado en casos con niños estrellas, afirma que "los padres nunca deben recibir ordenes de sus hijos ya que esto puede derivar a algunos transtornos psicológicos o lo que es peor una conducta destructiva".
Este especialista da pie a que los niños desde pequeños son conducidos por sus padres hacia el mejor camino y
el hecho de ser famosos no hace diferencia.
Nuestra idea desde la web es totalmente diferente respecto a la del especialista pues todos podemos observar que Justin es una persona transparente y no tiene una conducta agresiva, como prueba de ello no hay mas que observar que adora a su madre y ella le acompaña a todos lados para guiarle en sus decisiones y no encontrarse descontrolado en ningún momento, porque aunque a veces parezca que no Justin es una persona completamente normal y puede tener sus defectos y virtudes como cualquier ser humano.


Justin dont eat candy's fans - Justin no come golosinas de fans

According to a recent interview, has come to light information about Justin in the
who told her mother is forbidden to eat candy and goodies
they send their fans. According to him every day he receives many packages and many letters and e
trying to open but does not end for lack of time.
But Justin's mother has something about him that prohibits protected and every thing of those gifts
that make people who support him (his fans).
From here we believe she exaggerates a little when you have such negative thoughts,
nothing since to think that a fan has a mind so twisted as to try to kill him.
After all, to think nothing bad about Pattie because she only wants the best for our
Justin loved.

----In spanish---En español---

Según una reciente entrevista, ha salido a la luz una información acerca de Justin en la
que se contaba que su madre le tiene prohibido comer los caramelos y chucherías
que le envían sus fans. Según él cada día le llegan infinidad de paquetes y multitud de cartas y correo
que intenta abrir pero no termina por falta de tiempo.
Ahora bien la madre de Justin le tiene algo sobre protegido ya que le prohibe desfrutar de esos regalos
que le hacen las personas que le apoyan (sus fans).
Desde aquí creemos que ella exagera un poco a la hora de tener esos pensamientos tan negativos,
puesto que para nada pensamos que un fan tenga una mente tan retorcida como para intentar matarle.
Después de todo, para nada pensamos mal de Pattie puesto que ella solo quiere lo mejor para nuestro
amado Justin.


Justin is planning a haircut! - Justin planea un corte de pelo!

According UsMagazine.com, Justin Bieber says you can change your hairstyle famous someday. "I am a bit pleased with long hair now." "In the future, I might get bored and have to make change but for now I like it."

The New York Times reported Wednesday that adolescent boys are paying $ 150 for "The Bieber." Cozy Friedman, the owner of a salon in Manhattan, says that 60 percent of young male clients ask for the messy hair, but are too embarrassed to ask for it by name "Bieber"

Bieber, 16, recently Twit Kim Kardashian, whom he met at the correspondents dinner handle White was his girlfriend - which caused the star of the reality of death aamenazas received. "She's hot," says Bieber.
But the main woman in his life: his mother s. "For Mother's Day this weekend," We're just going to have a relaxing Sunday. We're not exactly sure what we'll do yet. I'm happy to get to spend the day together. "

Bieber is preparing for her tour, which begins May 14 in California. "I'm working with my dancers in the new routines," he says. "I'm doing everything possible to get in shape vocally and physically, and work with my production team aorta several ideas to get to give my fans the best show possible."

---In spanish--En español--

Según UsMagazine.com, Justin Bieber dice que se puede cambiar su famoso estilo de peinado algún día. “Estoy un poco agrado con el pelo largo ahora mismo”. “En el futuro, es posible que me aburra y tendré que dar el cambio pero por ahora me gusta como es.”

El New York Times informó el miércoles que los chicos adolescentes están pagando $ 150 para obtener “The Bieber.” Cozy Friedman, El propietario de un salón de Manhattan, dice que el 60 por ciento de sus clientes masculinos jóvenes piden el peinado desordenado, pero se sienten demasiado avergonzados para pedirlo por su nombre “Bieber”

Bieber, de 16 años, recientemente Twitteó que Kim Kardashian, a quien conoció en el la cena de corresponsales de la asa Blanca, era su novia – lo que causó que la estrella del reality recibiera aamenazas de muerte . “Ella es caliente”, nos dice Bieber.
Pero la mujer principal en su vida: s su mamá. “Para el Día de la Madre este fin de semana, “Sólo vamos a tener un relajante domingo. No estamos exactamente seguros de lo que vamos a hacer todavía. Estoy contento de llegar a pasar el día juntos.”

Bieber se está preparando para su gira, que comienza el 14 de mayo en California. “Estoy trabajando con mis bailarines en las nuevas rutinas”, dice. “Estoy haciendo todo lo posible para ponerme en forma tanto verbal como físicamente y trabajar con mi equipo de producción aortando varias ideas para llegar a dar a mis fans el mejor espectáculo posible.”

Godbless BIEBER TV PROGRAM! dont forget to follow us on twitter.com/biebertvprogram

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber

Justin and singer Miley Cyrus dined at a bar in Hollywood called "Ariya Shushi" are unknown reasons for the dinner and what was discussed there. According to TMZ, Justin told the paparazzi that the reason for the evening was to spend a good time with miley and her best friend who also accompanied them.
Under the supervision of Justin's bodyguard, spent a pleasant time.Todo they say we have found this strange since the attitude of the singer Miley Cyrus has changed dramatically from month to month, if before we can say, was a stranger to her and now dinner with him.
Reporters asked her if she was afraid of the fans when they saw the news, she said she not be intimidated. (Remember what was the reaction of the fans with Kim Kardashian).
At the moment should not be worried because there is no evidence of a relationship as Miley Cyrus is dating Liam Hemsworth stable and are seen very much in love.

---In spanish---En español---

Justin y la cantante miley cyrus cenaron en un bar de Hollywood llamado "Ariya Shushi" aún se desconocen los motivos de la cena y lo que se debatió en ella. Según TMZ, Justín comentó a los paparazzi que el motivo de la velada era pasar un buen rato con miley y su mejor amigo que también les acompañó.
Bajo la supervisión del guardaespaldas de Justin, pasarón según ellos un agradable rato.Todo esto nos ha resultado raro ya que la actitud de la cantante Miley Cyrus ha cambiado radicalmente de un mes al otro, si antes se puede decir, era un desconocido para ella ahora le alaga y cena con él, una actitud un tanto hipócrita ¿no creen?.
Los periodistas le preguntaron a ella si sentía miedo de las fans cuando vieran la noticia, ella dijo que no se dejaría intimidar.(recordemos cual fué la reacción de las fans con Kim Kardashian).
De momento pueden estar tranquilas ya que no hay indicios de una relación pues Miley Cyrus está de pareja estable con Liam Hemsworth y se les vé muy enamorados.

Godbless, BieberTVprogram! dont forget to follow us on twitter!